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Artist Statement

About Justin Lupien Art

From a young age, I have always been making marks with a pencil.  The first things I remember practicing sketching were Pokemon while watching the cartoon after school.  I would keep all of those sketches in a binder and fill it to the brim.  I began drawing and manipulating letters around third grade, I would write my name over and over again in blocky, sharp letters.  I never thought about being good at drawing until a classmate asked for me to draw their name for them, and another, and another.  Nowadays, I still really enjoy making marks on paper.  I favor ink as a medium, as I love the mark that ink makes.  I use these marks to create work that is reflective of the time I have spent on this earth and my experiences.  The work could be about a dream, somewhere I have been, something that I saw or someone that I have met.  The process of making my art that is the most interesting is developing different techniques, currently with ink.  The way in which ink is applied can convey so many different things to a viewer such as emotion and ideas.  I am on a journey to learn various techniques of applying medium and how that application impacts the audience.  These practices are commonly conducted within the confines of my studio, however, in my newest projects I am focusing on transferring my style from ink and paper in the studio to large-scale, color murals.  Scale and the colors we choose to apply can be used to create a powerful message and create really amazing things.

Artist Statement: Bio
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